

Call for a moratorium and public inquiry on oil and gas exploration in the Kavango regions


We, Civil Society Organisations in Namibia, together with regional and international organisations, coalitions and technical experts, are deeply concerned about oil and gas exploratory drilling activities in the Kavango Basin. Most of us have neither been consulted nor given any evidence about how the exploration activities and possible production will affect the lives and human rights of people in Kavango East and West Regions, as well as our precious environment and overall water and food security in Namibia. Too many questions are unanswered, and the irreversible risks look too high for us, and for our children’s future.

His Excellency Hage Geingob, President of the Republic of Namibia, Private Bag 13339, Windhoek

The Hon. Tom Alweendo, Minister of Mines and Energy, Private Bag 13297, Windhoek

The Hon. Pohamba Shifeta, Minister of Environment, Forestry and Tourism, Private Bag 13306, Windhoek

The Hon. Calle Schlettwein, Minister of Agriculture, Water and Land Reform, Private Bag 13184, Windhoek

Mr. Basilius Dyakugha, Ombudsman, Private Bag 13211, Windhoek

We, Civil Society Organisations in Namibia, together with regional and international organisations, coalitions and technical experts, are deeply concerned about oil and gas exploratory drilling activities in the Kavango Basin. Most of us have neither been consulted nor given any evidence about how the exploration activities and possible production will affect the lives and human rights of people in Kavango East and West Regions, as well as our precious environment and overall water and food security in Namibia. Too many questions are unanswered, and the irreversible risks look too high for us, and for our children’s future.

We are therefore respectfully calling on the Government of the Republic of Namibia to suspend all oil and gas drilling and establish an independent and impartial Public Commission of Inquiry to critically examine the current and future oil and gas exploration and extraction in the Kavango East and West regions.

Until all Namibians can see credible evidence of the potential impact on their lives, their livelihoods and their inalienable rights, and can consider what are realistic and sustainable alternative strategies for developing Namibia’s energy and the Kavango regions, with particular reference to climate change, the Government should impose a moratorium on those activities.

 The Public Commission of Inquiry must:

  • be fully transparent, independent and impartial;
  • be composed of experts covering relevant knowledge drawn equally from both government and civil society/professional associations/academia;
  • assess the risks to the human rights of Namibians, including their right to a safe and sustainable environment;
  • thoroughly examine safe and sustainable alternative energy strategies for Namibia; and
  • ensure respect for the rule of law and the international obligations of Namibia.

All concerned Namibians and other Interested Parties must be allowed to:

  • submit information for consideration by the Public Commission;
  • be consulted in their own languages through well-planned and advertised country-wide urban and rural public consultation meetings, in particular accessible to everyone in the Kavango Regions including indigenous San communities;
  • be allowed access to information as and when it is submitted to the Commission; and
  • comment on the draft findings of the Commission before they are finalised.

Meanwhile all exploratory drilling must immediately cease, and existing licences be suspended.

This Petition is supported by the following Civil Society Organisations of Namibia:

1. Kavango East and West Regional Conservancy and Community Forestry Association

2. Kavango East Farmers Union

3. Kavango West Farmers Union

4. Kyaramacan Association, Bwabwata National Park

5. Namibian Chamber of Environment representing 70 environmental organisations

6. Namibia San Council

7. Nyae Nyae Development Foundation

8. //Ana-Djeh San Trust

9. Women’s Leadership Centre

10. Economic and Social Justice Trust

11. Legal Assistance Centre

12. Institute for Public Policy Research

13. Namibia Institute for Democracy

14. Namibia NGO Forum Trust

15. Namibia Network of AIDS Service Organisations

16. AIDS and Rights Alliance Southern Africa

17. The Anglican Church in Namibia

18. Frack Free Namibia

19. Earthlife Namibia

20. SunCycles Namibia

21. Young Feminists Movement Namibia

22. Positive Vibes

23. Women’s Solidarity Namibia

24. ShutItAllDown Movement

25. Nutrition and Food Security Alliance of Namibia

26. Forum For the Future

27. Pots of Hope

28. Sister Namibia

29. Out-Right Namibia

30. Namibia Diverse Women’s Association

31. Namibia Equal Rights Movement

32. One Billion Rising Namibia

33. Wings to Transcend Namibia Trust

34. Rights not Rescue Trust Namibia

35. Rainbow Reflections

36. Namibia Women’s Association

37. The Children’s Movement Namibia

38. Khaibasen Community Trust

39. Comrades Association

40. Powerpad Girls

41. Slutwalk

42. Namibian Sex Workers Alliance

43. Transgender, Intersex And Androgynous Movement of Namibia

44. Trans Masculine Namibia

45. Aio Da Go Community Garden

46. Aitsama Mabasen Community Garden

47. Pomp Stasie Family Garden

48. Greenspace

49. Lifeline/Childline

50. Namibian Environment and Wildlife Society

51. NEWSYouth

52. Labour Resource and Research Institute

Regional and International Organisations / Coalitions supporting this Petition:

1. Frack Free Namibia Botswana

2. Saving Okavango’s Unique Life

3. The Green Connection

4. Indigenous Peoples of Africa Co-ordinating Committee

5. Southern African Faith Community Environmental Institute

6. Deutsche Umwelthilfe e.V. / Environmental Action Germany

7. Union Chapel, London, UK

8. Frack Free United, Environmental Smart, UK

9. New Brunswick Anti-Shale Gas Alliance - New Brunswick, Canada

10. Grandmothers Advocacy Network, Canada

11. Frack Off London, UK

12. Frack Free Surrey, UK

13. Frack Free Sussex, UK

14. Weald Action Group

15. Science and Environmental Health Network, U.S.A.

16. Concerned Health Professionals of New York

17. Food and Water Action Europe

18. Animals Are Sentient Beings, Inc., U.S.A

19. Abgefrackt Bündnis Weidener Becken gegen Fracking, Germany

20. Centre Afrika, Montreal, Canada

21. BankTrack, Nijmegen, the Netherlands

22. Urgewald e.V., Germany

23. Both ENDS, the Netherlands

24. Não Fracking Brasil – Brazil

25. COESUS Coalicion Latinoamericana contra el Fracking por el Clima Água y Vida

26. COESUS Coalizão Não FRACKING Brasil

27. ARAYARA.ORG - Uruguay

28. ARAYARA.ORG – Brazil

29. ARAYARA.ORG - Morocco

30. ARAYARA.ORG – Portugal

31. Fundacion ARAYARA - Latinoamérica

32. OPG Observatório do Petróleo e Gás

33. OCM Observatório do Carvão Mineral

34. Extinction Rebellion Gent, Belgium

35. Shale Must Fall, international

36. Ineos Will Fall, Belgium

37. Campaign against Climate Change, UK

38. Defend Lytham

39. Markwells Wood Watch West Sussex, UK

40. Stop Ecocide International

41. Frack Free East Yorkshire, UK

42. Frack Free Isle of Wight

43. Keep Kirdford and Wisborough Green, KKWG, West Sussex UK

44. Brockham Oil Watch

45. Harthill Against Fracking

46. Rotherham Climate Action

47. Environmental Action in South Yorkshire

48. Extinction Rebellion UK

49. Pro Wildlife, Germany

50. KYMA sea conservation & research, Switzerland

51. Future for Elephants, Germany

52. Fondation Franz Weber, Switzerland

53. ASEED Europe, Netherlands

54. Operation Noah

55. 350 Africa

56. 350 Canada

57. Anglican Church of Southern Africa Environmental Network (Green Anglicans)

58. Center for International Environmental Law

59. Oil Change International

60. Elephant Reintegration Trust, South Africa

61. Union Chapel, Islington, UK

62. A Planeta

63. Extinction Rebellion Argentina

64. Natural Resources Defense Council

65. Frack Free Misson

66. Divest Dyfed Dodfuddsoddi, Wales, UK

67. Extinction Rebellion Canada

68. Center for Biological Diversity

69. Extinction Rebellion Vancouver

70. Extinction Rebellion Montreal

71. Extinction Rebellion Ottawa

72. Extinction Rebellion Uganda

73. Extinction Rebellion Cape Town

74. Above Ground

75. re:wild

Civil society organisations and individuals who want to support this petition, please send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Published by the Women’s Leadership Centre on behalf of Civil Society Organisations.

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